Thursday 18 August 2011

FRAGILE at Hackney WickED Arts Festival July/August 2011

Group exhibition at the Hackney WickED Arts Festival 2011
FRAGILE at the Secret Market, London E3 2PA
We invite you to a weekend gallery show celebrating the exciting arts of installation, music, painting, performance, puppetry, photography, and the good will of human nature.
FRAGILE is an exclusive event at the Secret Market that brings together 15 artists of different national and conceptual backgrounds to raise an awareness of humanity and fragile human existence.

Exhibition organised and curated by Ivonne Replica (aka Yvonne Riepl)
with the full support of Fay Sebel
Artists featured in the FRAGILE show are:
Evangelia Christakou 
An attempt to interpret the gaze focused on the female.
A journey for the spectator, with elements of voyeurism as watching through a keyhole, which eventuates in the encounter with the "sharp" side of the female.

Directed by Evangelia Christakou
Performed by Evangelia Christakou
Videography by Sofia Kourkoulakou
Music by J.S. Bach
Rubén Salgado Escudero : Brasil Series 2011

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Migle Backovaite

Baron Kim
Anna Laurini(
Willie Nash : "The Elusive Theatre of Biology" series(
Veronika Neukirch
Red Pig Flower
Nelson Santos "Fashion Freaks"
Jonathan Trayner & Yvonne Riepl &
Erato Tzavara & Ioanna Manoussaki ( ) 
Ting-an Lin (
Gunther Jancke
Graffitti Artist

Preparing the venue for the exhibition on 27.07.11

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