Friday 4 March 2011

LA MAISON DE FAY - on founding an art gallery...

La Maison De Fay #5 Migle Backovaite & Willie Nash

on 26 May 2011, 6pm - 11pm 67A Median Road, Clapton, E5 0PJ

Migle Backovaite - Last Supper 2

Migle Backovaite - Last Supper 1 
Migle Backovaite, The Last Supper ( 2011 )

Although the theme is derived from the religious context, these series of images are the modern interpretation of what has been seen and experienced through the work of other artists rather than just replication of the historical scenario.


Willie Nash

Willie Nash - Exhibit 69a Tolstoys rabbit


Willie Nash has enjoyed a life-long passion for photography. Since his early teens he has been experimenting with photography on a wide variety of projects, both personal and commercial. His photographs, often richly-colored, present the subject insuch a way that it is lifted from the "everyday" and onto another plane. Through the use of created enviroments, related objects, and lighting, he forges the "unwritten story" that takes place in each of his photographs.

La Maison De Fay #4 : Carole Soulas
on 19 May 2011, 6pm-11pm

La Maison De Fay #3
29 April 2011: Nelson SantosNelson Santos, born in Portugal, where he studied Fashion and Textiles Design, moved to London in 2007.
After working with various fashion designers Nelson works now as a freelance fashion illustrator. His illustrations have been published in magazines such has “Umbigo” (Portugal), the book “Color in Fashion” (Barcelona) “Trisickle Magazine” (Glasgow) and several projects for the web-magazine “KCTV”.
Recently Nelson showed his work as a solo artist at 10 Gales Gallery (London) and Drayton Arms (Kensington, London), and was part of a group exhibition at Fred of London during London Fashion Week.
Nelson creates unusual shapes to illustrate his view of the fashion scene, with a keen eye and passion for fashion his inspiration come from the people in the streets, to music, cinema, etc…etc…etc…in resume all his passions combined in one drawing.


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What resources do you need to open a contemporary art gallery in London? Inexhaustible reserves of energy, a network of friends willing to help out on a voluntary basis, and a healthy dose of chutzpah probably helps. Surprisingly, though, you don't need much money - it's mainly down to hard work and the availability of a suitable space. Which can even be the domestic walls! Aspiring art dealer Fay Sebel started turning her house into an occasional art gallery in February, initially as a gesture of encouragement before her painter friend Ting-An Ling's Final Year show at Saint Martin's. Since then "La Maison de Fay" has hosted exhibitions by emerging artists Caroline LS Chang and Nelson Santos. Upcoming shows include works by Carole Soulas, Migle Backovaite & Willie Nash. Stay tuned!
By Yvonne Riepl