Friday 12 February 2010

"Stop trying to seduce us with your visions of the past"

The starting point of this body of work is a symbol extrapolated from a photograph of a model that is the only surviving documentation of Walter Gropius' entry for the international competition to design the Palace of the Soviets in Moscow (1931). This proposal, along with those of Le Corbusier and Ginsburg was amongst those that were rejected by Stalin’s panel in favour of a 400m high neo-classical structure topped with a 100m high statue of Lenin in full declamatory pose.

For more information and test shoot see

Proposed date for Casting: April 2010
Filming: one day in May/June 2010

Friday 5 February 2010

From Susi

From womb

through emergency room

to tomb in bathing costume.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Back To Film

Experiments on Super16 film applying the principles of chromatics
onto S16 white leader during the Motion Graphics course
with Pete Maloney at Chelsea College of Art & Design


16mm project, shot on a Arriflex SR2 camera
at University of Westminster
under supervision of Andy Powell

Wednesday 3 February 2010

At the LUX

LUX is an arts agency which explores ideas around artists' moving image practice through exhibition, distribution, publishing, education and research.

LUX Home

New DVD Release: Cool Man in a Golden Age

Alfred Leslie Lux,Last clean shirt
TIP!! Watched Alfred Leslie's selected works DVD last night, WOW!

Right now my favourite is 'Last clean shirt'...